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Hildbrant In-House Gloves

Set-Up Gloves

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

This review is for: Nitrile Gloves from Hildbrant


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I received these as part of what Hildbrant calls a “Refill Pack.” In this pack you get basically everything you need to tattoo including gloves. According to the box there are 100 pieces of gloves, so 50 pairs. I am pretty sure it goes by weight though. They are non-sterile, ambidextrous, single use only, and powder-free. I think the brand is CE? I'm not sure. There really isn't a visible brand name on the box of these glove, but there is a small CE logo in the bottom left of the box. Actually, other than what I just mentioned, and “Made in China” on the bottom there really isn’t any information on the box of these gloves.

Now the very lame box isn't really anything to sneeze at as far as quality. These gloves are pretty decent. They don't even come close to comparing to the Adenna gloves I had reviewed, but they are pretty good. They do have a bit of stretch to them, but if you try to force it they will break. They also do not seem to be puncture resistant, and the fingertips are not textured. I have actually tattooed with these gloves on before, and as long as you can get the proper size—a tight fitting size—then they do get the job done.

I find they are a little too thin to tattoo with, though. I can see my knuckle, and hand tattoo through the gloves themselves. If you didn't get a chance to restock your gloves, and these were all you had, then by all means use them! They will get the job done, and will do it right. However, there are plenty of other better gloves out there. For this reason I use these primarily for set-up, client preparation, break down, and clean up. The actual tattooing is done with the Adenna brand gloves as they are much better quality, and are puncture resistant. Petroleum will also do quite a number on these gloves pretty quickly.

For just shaving, or cleaning up your station, or setting it up you really don't want to waste your good, thick, textured fingertip gloves. Well, at least I don't! They are quite a bit more pricey. That's why I use these cheaper gloves. Sure you use them up pretty fast doing prep, and clean up, and such, but they cost much less to replace than your expensive tattooing gloves. Whereas, if you used only one type of glove you'd be spending obscene amounts of money replacing these really nice gloves that you're wasting on prep.

That being said, you can easily just use these, but really any tattoo artist in their right mind would use a much better quality glove. These gloves are available at Hildbrant's website for $6.99. I'm sure they are available elsewhere, but this is where I get them.

I gave these a 3 out of 5 rating mainly because of their quality. The box is also very lame, and has absolutely no information on it. I can't even really say for sure what brand they are. According to the Hildbrant website it is their “in house brand.” Maybe it's their own gloves? Not sure. However, since they cut easily, are thin, do not have textured fingertips, and are just simply kind of cheap they get a 3 out of 5. However, I do recommend buying them. They are cheap, and work perfect for your prep, set up, break down, and clean up! I'd rather waste cheap gloves doing that, rather than my good ones.

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