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Eikon Clipcord Sleeves

Cover your Cords

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

This review is for: Eikon Device's Clip Cord Sleeves


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Eikon device has their own clip cord sleeves that are available on their website, or at registered vendors across North America. You may even be lucky to find this product from a non-registered vendor. These cords—or at least something of the similar design—are a must in any tattoo shop, or studio. These are used to keep your clip cord clean, and to keep it from touching your client and causing possible infections. It also helps to prevent cross contamination.

The clip cord is one of the dirties pieces of equipment in a tattoo studio. Unless it is constantly cleaned, or covered at all times this piece of equipment can harbor a lot of dirt, and grime. They have the possibility of dropping on the floor, being touched by the client, touching the clients tattoo during the tattoo process, being touched by either your prep gloves or your working gloves, and a plethora of other ways. As such it should be cleaned after each use with a disinfectant such as CaviCide, and covered during each tattoo you perform.

Each package of this comes with a white box, with blue writing on it that displays all the information about the product. This includes the company name, a toll free number, their website, a product number, quantity (250 – filled by weight), their size (2” x 24” - 51mm x 610mm), and a small image of a tattoo machine. The top of the box is perforated, and a small oval can be removed for an opening to take out your sleeves. You can also do like I do and remove them to place them in a sterile jar.

I personally like these sleeves as they do not have the split in them like some of the other clip cord sleeves you can get. This means that no matter how you place your clip cord the end will be rigid, and easy to pierce. Also, if you do like I do and use RCA clip cords it's very easy to tape the end of the sleeve onto your cord. Their clip cords are made from a blue plastic that makes it very easy to see, identify, and find if dropped on the floor. I also like that it matches their machine bags. I've seen some suppliers sell clear clip cord sleeves, but blue machine bags. The only thing I don't like is the length. I have tried others that are at least twice the length of these. To some it may not be a big issue, but I have found that there were times that the cord came close to touching the bed, or the client.

The proper use of these is to slide your clip cord in—if using bunny ear clip cord its easier if you use the end that goes into the power supply—then squeeze the two ears together and release. The pressure of the springs when released will then cause the bunny ears of the clip cord to pierce the sleeve holding it in place. An optional step is you can tape the area between to seal that area. This will prevent any spray from getting inside the sleeve. If using RCA you can easily slide either end of the clip cord into the sleeve, then you just need to tape the top of it so it doesn't slide off your cord. You then plug in whichever cord you're using, and you're done.

These are available at Eikon Device's website(, their toll free number (1-800-427-8198), or at any registered retailer. As stated before you may even get lucky and fine one near by that isn't registered.

These are very good clip cord sleeves, and receive a 4 out of 5 rating. I really like how it is easy to use, hold in place, and find if dropped. Obviously if dropped it is garbage, but they are very smooth and if not found it is easy to slip on them. The only downside is their length. I recommend these to any, and all tattoo artists and apprentices.

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