Ultimate Disinfectant
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This review is for: CaviCide

This is what we
CaviCide is a Tuberculocidal, Bacterialcidal, and Fungicidal surface disinfectant. It is ready-to-use, and contained biodegradable detergent. CaviCide is tested effective on inanimate surfaces against Mycobacterium tuberculosis var: bovis (BCG), Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enterica, Trichphyton mentagrophytes, Candida albicans, Methiclillin Resistant Staphylocococcus aereus (MRSA), Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus Faecalis (VRE), Satphyloccocus aereus with Reduced Susceptibility to Vanomycin, Multi-Drug resistant (MDR) Acinetobacter baumannii, Klebiella pneumoniae, Bordetella peterussis, Extended Spectrub Beta-lactamase Escherichi coli (ESBL), Herpes Simplex Virus Types 1 and 2, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), Coronavirus, and Influenza A2 Virus. An appoxymate three minus sit period is required to cover ALL of the above mentioned, with a minimum sit period of thirty secons.
CaviCide's active ingredients are: Diisobutylphenoxyethoxyethyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride 0.28%,
Isopropanol 17.20%, and inert ingredients 82.52%. It is also corrosive so be sure to keep out of reach of children, and avoid contact with eyes. Avoid contamination of food. Flush with plenty of water for at least fifteen minutes if you get it in your eyes. CaviCide is what is used in the hospital here to clean blood spills, and other non-critial medical instruments. CaviCide will effectively clean, and disinfect your machines, work station, vinyl seats, your stool, clip cord, power supply, and even your floor if you deem necessary. I use green soap for routine floor cleaning, and CaviCide once weekly.
Proper use of this product is to apply directly to the surface, and wipe clean with paper towel, or rinse the surface and wipe dry, or allow to air dry. When cleaning my machines I spray onto a paper towel, and wipe the machines down thoroughly making sure to get into every crack, and space. This is mainly to remove the chance that anything could be left behind, and cause excess moisture build up on my machines. Everything else gets a direct spray. Be sure to always wear gloves as this product is corrosive, and a mask if available. I have been told that CaviCide is very dangerous to your lungs if inhaled. It can also be used in an ultrasonic cleaner with a mixture of 30mL (1fl. oz) of CaviCide per litre (0.26gal) of distilled water. Immerse objects into the mixed solution, and activate for three minutes or more.

I've used CaviCide for three years, and have never had a single infection, or any other complication that could come from my machines, work surface, or anything else around my work area. All of my bottles, jars, work station, arm rest, bed, machines, everything is cleaned with CaviCide. Do NOT dilute. Using CaviCide with proper cleanliness, and cross contamination reduction practices will result in a very clean, and sanitized environment for your tattooing. The only other issue is that it does take some time to dry. I now use a different product that dries faster.
CaviCide gets a 3 out of 5 not because it lacks the power to clean, and sanitize your studio, but mainly because of how dangerous it can be if used improperly. Granted any solution you use to sanitize will do this, but not everyone takes the proper care to wear gloves, and a mask when using their products. I recommend it to everyone, and have even gone as far as giving some away to friends who tattoo to be sure they have the best possibly agent available. It also does take quite some time to dry as apposed to some other products(approximately twenty minutes). Remember do not dilute the solution, and if you are not using disposable grips wiping them down with CaviCide, or running them through an ultrasonic cleaner is not enough to sterilize. You MUST use an autoclave.