Bayer Bactine Spray
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This review is for: Bayer Bactine

This is what we
Here is a review for a very popular, and well known product: Bactine. It is an anticeptic, and anaesthetic spray used to gain relief from sunburns, minor burns, cuts, scratches, and insect bites. It comes in both a spray bottle, and a liquid bottle. The fully liquid bottle comes with a top under the cap with a small pin hole in it to control the flow, and allow the use of the bottle to squirt the contents rather than leak them out.
I personally use the pump spray bottle in my studio. However, it is 105mL apposed
to the 120mL of the other bottle. As such I normally use the latter to refill the spray bottle. The medical ingredients are: Benzalkonium Chloride 0.13% w/w, and Lidocain Hydrochloride 2.5% w/w. The non-medical ingredients are: Camphor, Clove Oil, Edetate Disodium, Eucalyptus Oil, Lidocain, Marjoram Oil, Nonoxynol 9, and Propylene Glycol. It is for external use only, and not to be used in eyes, mouth, ears, or on sensitive areas of the body. Bactine is used to cleanse wounds, prevent infection, and relieve pain and itching caused by sunburn, minor burns, cuts, scratches, insect bites, and poison ivy. Be warned there is normally a slight burning sensation at first. Be sure to let your client know prior to use.
Bactine is easy to use, effective, promotes healing, and soothes the tattoo during the process. When used during the tattoo process it can help relieve a lot of the burning sensation, reduce redness, swelling, and also has a numbing effect. It lasts about twenty minutes, and then will need to be reapplied. Do not excessively reapply. The best way to use Bactine is to either soak a paper towel, and gently press it on the skin--I find you receive better results if you apply gentle pressure—or to soak the area, and cover with saran wrap. Both methods require a ten minute waiting period as well as require the skin to be broken in order to have the desired effect. In other words your client will have to at least sit through your outline before you can use this product.
I also use Bactine as part of my every day wash solution. I add four cap fulls of Bactine with four cap fulls of Witch Hazel to my wash solution with distilled water, and PurKlenz. I've noticed a drastic difference between this combination as apposed to just the distilled water, and PurKlenz. With the two other added products I've notice a very strong reduction in both redness, and swelling. It works especially well if you use a wet wiping technique during your tattoo.

The bottle of both of the variations of the product are designed exceptionally well. With the pump bottle you have the main white bottle, and a green cap. Under the green cap is a clear cap covering the main green pump. The pump itself works very well. I've been using the same bottle for quite some time, and the pump still works as if it were new. The squeeze bottle has much of the same design. However, it has a child safe twist cap, and under near is the clear cover to squeeze the contents out. I recommend the pump bottle for the saran wrap method, and the squeeze bottle for the paper towel method. gives Bayer Bactine 4 out of 5 stars for this product. All in all this is a great product. It works well on it's own, and even helps during the entire tattoo process if used in conjunction with your wash solution. Everything from the results to both bottle designs have been done perfectly, and with due purpose. The only downside is the burning sensation upon use. Some clients don't mind it, but more sensitive people do experience some discomfort. I use this product in my studio, and recommend to it any tattoo artist, or apprentice.